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Records found 6
Kaleidoscope - Ocean World
Kaleidoscope - Ocean World
Product code MD1453

Kaleidoscope for children with the motif of life in the ocean.

Educational and fun toy promoting children's imagination.

A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs, including a range of metal telescopes.

Kaleidoscope - Fun in the forest
Kaleidoscope - Fun in the forest
Product code MD1455

Kaleidoscope for children with the motif of animals having fun in the forest.

Educational and fun toy promoting children's imagination.

A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs, including a range of metal telescopes.

Kaleidoscope - Day at the Zoo
Kaleidoscope - Day at the Zoo
Product code MD1516

Kaleidoscope for children with the motif of a visit to the zoo.

Educational and fun toy promoting children's imagination.

A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs, including a range of metal telescopes.

Kaleidoscope - Animal World
Kaleidoscope - Animal World
Product code MD1456

Kaleidoscope for children with the motif of animals' life.

Educational and fun toy promoting children's imagination.

A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs, including a range of metal telescopes.

Kaleidoscope - Pirate Island
Kaleidoscope - Pirate Island
Product code MD1515

Kaleidoscope for children with the motif of pirate life.

Educational and fun toy promoting children's imagination.

A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs, including a range of metal telescopes.

Dinosauři barevná magnetická stavebnice 48 ks
Dinosauři barevná magnetická stavebnice 48 ks
Product code MD1499

Rozšiřující set barevné magnetické stavebnice nyní i s dinosaury!

Magnetická stavebnice je doplněním řady magnetických stavebnic od značky Mideer. Stavebnice jsou plně kompatibilní

Pastelové dílky s potiskem dinosauřího světa. Figurky dinosaurů s pohyblivými hlavičkami.