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We are playing

Modern children's toys for our little ones. We play with children by introducing them to fairy tales that every young child knows. Fairy tales teach children to understand relationships between people and are often educational in nature. Or we play with different models of prehistoric animals. And for our youngest children who are beginning to explore toys, we play with different mazes, stringing rings, etc.

Records found 34
Jógové karty pro děti
Jógové karty pro děti
Product code TS0005

Hledáte způsob, jak nadchnout děti pro jógu a zapojit je do cvičení?

Jógové karty přinášejí zábavný a interaktivní způsob, jak celé rodině představit pohybovou aktivitu skrze veselé ilustrace.

Z celkem 20ti karet každá karta obsahuje popis cviků v několika jazycích, včetně češtiny, což zaručuje, že si děti cvičení opravdu užijí.

Krabička na pohádkové kotoučky od zn. Mideer
Krabička na pohádkové kotoučky od zn. Mideer
Product code TS0003

Krabička na pohádkové příběhy slouží k uložení až 20 kotoučků s pohádkami

Speciálně vyrobená krabička, která poslouží na uskladnění kotoučků pohádek z Mideer Dětské promítačky nebo Mideer Promítací baterky.

 Autorský design krabičky zajistí, že vaše sbírka pohádek bude bezpečně a přehledně uschována dohromady.

 Ideální pro domácí použití i cesty, s touto krabičkou už se žádná pohádka neztratí.

Dětská promítací baterka 4 tradiční pohádky
Dětská promítací baterka 4 tradiční pohádky
Product code TS0001

Dětská pohádková baterka na promítání pohádek. 

Klasické české pohádky, které všichni známe a máme je rádi. 

S kvalitou pohádkové baterky bylo spokojeno celkem 93% všech uživatelů zapojených do programu TESTUJ TO. 

Ilustrace od české autorky Zuzany Korčákové. Balení obsahuje omalovánky s obrázky z pohádek. 

Dětská promítačka s výběrem dalších pohádek
Dětská promítačka s výběrem dalších pohádek
Product code SA004


NEJoblíběnější hračka z produkce MiDeer.

Dětská kreativní promítačka pohádek.

Promítačka zároveň slouží i jako dětská svítilna.

Collector's set of dinosaurs 24 pcs
Collector's set of dinosaurs 24 pcs
Product code MD1213

Set of 24 dinosaur figures in a plastic box for easy carrying.

Durable, non-toxic material guarantees a long life.

Two sizes of dinosaurs.

Hand painted details for a realistic look.

Wooden magnifier
Wooden magnifier
Product code MD0112

Children's wooden magnifier for little explorers.

Smooth wooden handle allows for a more comfortable grip.

The magnifier has double magnification and is safe for children's eyes.

Movable doll Baby Tina
Movable doll Baby Tina
Product code MD1065

The wooden moving figure of Tiny Bunny will beautifully complement any child's room.

When you pull the string, Tina moves and waves her legs up and down.

Flashlight projector 4 fairy tales
Flashlight projector 4 fairy tales
Product code MD1024

Children's flashlight for projecting fairy tales.

The package includes four discs with fairy tales.

Ideal toy for putting children to sleep. A very popular gift!

Fairytale discs for the projector flashlight
Fairytale discs for the projector flashlight
Product code CT1180

Replacement discs for projector flashlights MD1024 and CT7026.

Package contains 4 cartoons with 8 pictures.

The package includes a booklet with a description of the fairy tales in Czech language.

In this package you will find the following fairy tales: Aladdin's Magic Lamp, Beauty and the Beast, Alibaba and the Forty Robbers, The Hare and the Tortoise fable.     

Fairytale discs for the projector flashlight
Fairytale discs for the projector flashlight
Product code CT1181

Replacement discs for projector flashlight MD1024 and children's projector CT7026.

Package contains 4 fairy tales with 8 pictures.

The package includes a booklet with a description of the fairytales in Czech language.

In this package you will find the following fairy tales: Sleeping Beauty, The Goose and the Golden Egg, The Frog Prince and Jack and the Beanstalk.   

Movable doll Baby Gaby
Movable doll Baby Gaby
Product code MD1064

The wooden moving figure of Gaby the elephant will beautifully complement any child's room.

When you pull the string, Gaby moves and waves his limbs up and down.

Educational game Binding animals
Educational game Binding animals
Product code MD3021

A children's educational game that teaches children how to string in a fun way.

The game contains a total of 12 pieces, from which a total of 4 animals are assembled with the help of 4 cords.

Stegosaurus velký model dinosaura 28 cm
Stegosaurus velký model dinosaura 28 cm
Product code MD6229

Velký model dinosaura. Stegosaurus je nejznámější  z obrněných dinosaurů a jeho název též znamená "zastřešený či střechovitý" ještěr".

Odolný, ohebný a zároveň měkký materiál zaručí dlouhou životnost. 

Ručně malované detaily pro realistický vzhled.

Sběratelská sada prehistorických zvířat od značky Mideer.

Sběratelská sada zvířatek ze ZOO 15 ks
Sběratelská sada zvířatek ze ZOO 15 ks
Product code MD1382

Sada 15 ks zvířátek v plastovém boxu pro snadné přenášení.

Odolný nezávadný materiál zaručí dlouhou životnost.

Velikosti jednotlivých zvířátek jsou odlišné podle reality.

Ručně malované detaily pro realistický vzhled.

Triceratops velký model dinosaura 24 cm
Triceratops velký model dinosaura 24 cm
Product code MD6227

Velký model dinosaura. Triceratops je nejznámější z tzn. rohatých dinosaurů, jeho jméno je kombinací řeckých slov tri=tři, keras=roh, ops=tvář, tedy “třírohá tvář”.

Odolný, ohebný a zároveň měkký materiál zaručí dlouhou životnost. 

Ručně malované detaily pro realistický vzhled.

Sběratelská sada prehistorických zvířat od značky Mideer.

Ankylosaurus velký model dinosaura 30 cm
Ankylosaurus velký model dinosaura 30 cm
Product code MD6228

Velký model dinosaura. Ankylosaurus je rod ptakopánvého dinosaura, nazývaného též ztuhlý “vyztužený” ještěr.

Odolný, ohebný a zároveň měkký materiál zaručí dlouhou životnost. 

Ručně malované detaily pro realistický vzhled.

Sběratelská sada prehistorických zvířat od značky Mideer.

Tyranosaurus large dinosaur model 32 cm
Tyranosaurus large dinosaur model 32 cm
Product code MD6226

A large model of a dinosaur. Tyrannosaurus is the largest meat-eating dinosaur and its name is derived from the Greek tyranoss=cruel, and Latin rex=king

Durable, flexible yet soft material guarantees a long life.

Hand-painted details for a realistic look.

Prehistoric animal collectible set from Mideer.

Insect observation box
Insect observation box
Product code MD6039

Play biologists with your kids.

Use the included tweezers to grab the object of observation, insert it into the box.

Thanks to the transparent box, you can observe the contents from all angles.

Skeleton model PTERANODON
Skeleton model PTERANODON
Product code MD0125

The skeleton of a prehistoric animal will surely attract every dinosaur lover.

The pieces can be connected thanks to an easy click system.

Expand your collection with more models.

In total, you can choose from 6 kinds.

Baby recognition cards Animal faces 26 pcs
Baby recognition cards Animal faces 26 pcs
Product code MD2065

Children's recognition cards. They are intended for children from one year of age.

The set contains a total of 26 beautiful colourful learning cards with English labels.

Baby stringing rings tiger
Baby stringing rings tiger
Product code MD2017

Children's wooden didactic toy for the youngest children from 18 months.

Classic stringing of rings on a rod in a design rendition.

Skeleton model MAMMOTH
Skeleton model MAMMOTH
Product code MD0121

The skeleton of a prehistoric animal will surely attract every dinosaur lover.

The pieces can be connected thanks to an easy click system.

Expand your collection with more models.

In total, you can choose from 6 types.

Educational game Tying animals and their professions
Educational game Tying animals and their professions
Product code MD3085

A children's educational game that teaches children how to thread in a fun way.

The game contains a total of 12 pieces, from which a total of 4 animals of different professions are assembled with the help of 4 cords.

Sand set Castle with soldiers
Sand set Castle with soldiers
Product code MD4250

Summer children's holiday set for fun on the sand. The set includes not only the classic children's tools of shovels and rakes, moulds for building castles, but also horses, soldiers and flags for perfect sandcastle building.

The set also includes a beautiful colourful portable box so nothing goes to waste.

Mini labyrinth - Sun
Mini labyrinth - Sun
Product code MD5007

Children's wooden labyrinth for the youngest children.

Moving the balls on the metal labyrinth helps to develop fine motor skills. 

Mini labyrinth - Moon
Mini labyrinth - Moon
Product code MD5008

Children's creative wooden labyrinth for the youngest children.

Moving the balls on the metal labyrinth helps develop fine motor skills. 

Mini labyrinth - Elephant
Mini labyrinth - Elephant
Product code MD5009

Children's creative wooden labyrinth for the youngest children.

Moving the balls on the metal labyrinth helps develop fine motor skills. 

Educational game Children's stringing Mathematics and numbers 12 pcs
Educational game Children's stringing Mathematics and numbers 12 pcs
Product code MD1167

A children's educational game that teaches our youngest children how to string in a fun way.

An ideal game for the necessary development of fine motor skills and promotes hand-eye coordination in our youngest children.

The pack contains a total of 12 pieces with the theme of mathematics and numbers.

Mini labyrinth - Lion
Mini labyrinth - Lion
Product code MD5010

Children's wooden labyrinth for the youngest children.

Moving the balls on the metal labyrinth helps to develop fine motor skills. 

Children's stringing game Forest and animals 12 pcs
Children's stringing game Forest and animals 12 pcs
Product code MD1136

A children's educational game that teaches our youngest children how to string in a fun way.

An ideal game for the necessary development of fine motor skills and promotes hand-eye coordination in our youngest children.

The pack contains a total of 12 pieces with the theme of forest and animals.