Doporučený věk
Doporučený věk uvedený výrobcem
Součástí balení je i originální návod
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Records found 109
Jógové karty pro děti
Jógové karty pro děti
Product code TS0005

Hledáte způsob, jak nadchnout děti pro jógu a zapojit je do cvičení?

Jógové karty přinášejí zábavný a interaktivní způsob, jak celé rodině představit pohybovou aktivitu skrze veselé ilustrace.

Z celkem 20ti karet každá karta obsahuje popis cviků v několika jazycích, včetně češtiny, což zaručuje, že si děti cvičení opravdu užijí.

Retro game Jumping rubber
Retro game Jumping rubber
Product code MD1100

A children's fun game resembling the 1980s.

Take the rubber out of the box and have fun with your friends reminiscing about how it was.

Hádej, kdo jsi!
Hádej, kdo jsi!
Product code TS0004

Hádej, kdo jsi je zábavná společenská hra, která přináší hodiny smíchu a učení pro celou rodinu. 

Hráči si nasadí čelenku s kartou a snaží se uhodnout, jakou postavu představují. 

Hra obsahuje 60 karet s obrázky i názvy v angličtině, což pomáhá při zábavném učení slovíček.

Diskety s pohádkami do promítací baterky
Diskety s pohádkami do promítací baterky
Product code TS0002

Náhradní diskety s pohádkami  do dětské promítací baterky Toysimply. 

Balení obsahuje 4 pohádky o 8 obrázcích. 

Součástí balení je i brožurka s popisem pohádek v českém jazyce.

V tomto balíčku najdete pohádky: Smolíček, Hrnečku vař, Červená Karkulka a Šípková Růženka.

Krabička na pohádkové kotoučky od zn. Mideer
Krabička na pohádkové kotoučky od zn. Mideer
Product code TS0003

Krabička na pohádkové příběhy slouží k uložení až 20 kotoučků s pohádkami

Speciálně vyrobená krabička, která poslouží na uskladnění kotoučků pohádek z Mideer Dětské promítačky nebo Mideer Promítací baterky.

 Autorský design krabičky zajistí, že vaše sbírka pohádek bude bezpečně a přehledně uschována dohromady.

 Ideální pro domácí použití i cesty, s touto krabičkou už se žádná pohádka neztratí.

Dětská promítací baterka 4 tradiční pohádky
Dětská promítací baterka 4 tradiční pohádky
Product code TS0001

Dětská pohádková baterka na promítání pohádek. 

Klasické české pohádky, které všichni známe a máme je rádi. 

S kvalitou pohádkové baterky bylo spokojeno celkem 93% všech uživatelů zapojených do programu TESTUJ TO. 

Ilustrace od české autorky Zuzany Korčákové. Balení obsahuje omalovánky s obrázky z pohádek. 

Metal yo-yo - Piggy
Metal yo-yo - Piggy
Product code MD6021

Children's metal yo-yo in a fun design with colourful pictures for boys and girls.

Are you creative? Engage your imagination and dexterity and start yo-yoing! 

Metal yo-yo - Helicopter
Metal yo-yo - Helicopter
Product code MD6022

Children's metal yo-yo in a fun design with colourful pictures for boys and girls.

Are you creative? Engage your imagination and dexterity and start yo-yoing! 

Metal telescope - Helicopter
Metal telescope - Helicopter
Product code MD6027

Children's metal telescope from the MiDeer series, following the design of the metal yoyos.

Take the kids to explore and discover new places and things you can't see with your eyes.

Metal yo-yo - Dancer
Metal yo-yo - Dancer
Product code MD6023

Children's metal yo-yo in a fun design with colourful pictures for boys and girls.

Are you creative? Engage your imagination and dexterity and start yo-yoing! 

Metal telescope - Dragonfly
Metal telescope - Dragonfly
Product code MD6028

Children's metal telescope with gentle dragonfly and grassland motive.

Take the kids on an adventure and discover new places and things you can't see with your eyes.

Kaleidoscope - mirroring - pink
Kaleidoscope - mirroring - pink
Product code MD1013

Kaleidoscope for girls in pink.

Educational and fun toy promoting children's imagination.

A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs including a range of metal telescopes.

Kaleidoscope - mirroring - blue
Kaleidoscope - mirroring - blue
Product code MD1012

Kaleidoscope for boys in blue.

Educational and fun toy supporting children's imagination.

A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs including a range of metal telescopes.

Metal telescope - Elephant
Metal telescope - Elephant
Product code MD6026

Children's metal telescope with motive of elephant and other animals.

Take the kids to explore and discover new places and things you can't see with your eyes.

Kaleidoscope - Sailor
Kaleidoscope - Sailor
Product code MD0073

Kaleidoscope for children with sailor motif

Educational and fun toy to stimulate children's imagination

A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs, including a range of metal telescopes.

Balance game horse
Balance game horse
Product code MD1051

A fun wooden board game for the whole family!

Test your fine motor skills while putting the pieces together on the horse's back.

Kaleidoscope - Giraffe
Kaleidoscope - Giraffe
Product code MD0076

Kaleidoscope for children with giraffe motif.

Educational and fun toy promoting children's imagination.

A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs including a range of metal telescopes.

Balance game elephant
Balance game elephant
Product code MD1050

A fun wooden board game for the whole family!

Test your fine motor skills by putting the pieces on the back of the elephant.

Board game Ludo trip
Board game Ludo trip
Product code MD1037

Children's board game based on the principle of "Ludo" in a travel version.

On the other side of the board is the well-known board game Goose.

Czech instructions are included.

Metal kaleidoscope - Rabbit
Metal kaleidoscope - Rabbit
Product code MD6029

Metal Kaleidoscope with bunny motive.

Educational and fun toy supporting children's imagination.

A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs including a range of metal telescopes.

Metal kaleidoscope - Red Riding Hood
Metal kaleidoscope - Red Riding Hood
Product code MD6031

Metal Kaleidoscope in a fairy-tale motive of Little Red Riding Hood.

Educational and fun toy supporting children's imagination.

A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs including a range of metal telescopes.

Cats and clubs Board game
Cats and clubs Board game
Product code MD3072

A fun logical wooden game not only for children!

Will you be able to assemble the individual pieces of the picture so that all sides are connected?

Kaleidoscope - Circus
Kaleidoscope - Circus
Product code MD0079

Kaleidoscope for children with circus motif.

Educational and fun toy promoting children's imagination.

A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs including a range of metal telescopes.

Kaleidoscope - Zebra
Kaleidoscope - Zebra
Product code MD0075

Kaleidoscope for children with zebra motif.

Educational and fun toy promoting children's imagination.

A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs including a range of metal telescopes.

Shadow theatre - Mermaid 12 pcs
Shadow theatre - Mermaid 12 pcs
Product code MD4035

A set of paper puppets for playing shadow theatre.

The shadow theatre works on the principle of the characters making shadows against the light and by moving them the theatre can start.

Shadow theatre - Universe 12 pcs
Shadow theatre - Universe 12 pcs
Product code MD4037

A set of paper puppets for playing shadow theatre.

The shadow theatre works on the principle of the characters making shadows against the light and by moving them the theatre can start

Wooden magnifier
Wooden magnifier
Product code MD0112

Children's wooden magnifier for little explorers.

Smooth wooden handle allows for a more comfortable grip.

The magnifier has double magnification and is safe for children's eyes.

Logical game Monsters play hide and seek
Logical game Monsters play hide and seek
Product code MD3073

A fun logical wooden game not only for children!

Will you be able to put together the pieces of the picture, so that all sides are connected?

Magnetic board - Shapes 92 pieces
Magnetic board - Shapes 92 pieces
Product code MD1041

Children's magnetic educational and fun game.

Open the box lid, slide out the drawer and the game can begin!

Assembling the small parts helps to develop fine motor skills and motor coordination.  

Kaleidoscope - Pirate Island
Kaleidoscope - Pirate Island
Product code MD1515

Kaleidoscope for children with the motif of pirate life.

Educational and fun toy promoting children's imagination.

A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs, including a range of metal telescopes.