Puzzle jsou vhodné již pro děti od 18. měsíců až pro dospělé. Vybrat si můžete hned z několika kategorií.
Games for all family
V kategorii Retro hračky naleznete staré dobré klasiky, které bavily už naše prarodiče. Jedná se o originální hračky, které se vyznačují svou kvalitou, tradičním zpracováním bez použití plastů a nápaditými mechanismy. Tyto hračky nejen baví, ale také učí děti základním dovednostem a každá z nich má svůj vlastní příběh.
Naleznou se zde hračky jako jsou kaleidoskopy, jo-ja, mechanické plechové hračky, přebírání provázku nebo různé druhy pexesa či skákání gumy. Tyto hračky byly oblíbené v minulosti a nyní se dostávají do popředí zájmu s nástupem trendu retro a vintage stylu.
Objevte kouzlo starodávných hraček, které jistě potěší malé i velké. Retro hračky již mnoho let zůstávají nezvratným trendem, který přináší radost, vzpomínky na dětství a klasické formy zábavy do moderní doby. Dejte svým dětem tu nejlepší retro zábavu s naším výběrem kvalitních a tradičních hraček.
A children's fun game resembling the 1980s.
Take the rubber out of the box and have fun with your friends reminiscing about how it was.
Children's metal yo-yo in a fun design with colourful pictures for boys and girls.
Are you creative? Engage your imagination and dexterity and start yo-yoing!
Children's metal yo-yo in a fun design with colourful pictures for boys and girls.
Are you creative? Engage your imagination and dexterity and start yo-yoing!
Children's metal telescope from the MiDeer series, following the design of the metal yoyos.
Take the kids to explore and discover new places and things you can't see with your eyes.
Children's metal yo-yo in a fun design with colourful pictures for boys and girls.
Are you creative? Engage your imagination and dexterity and start yo-yoing!
Children's metal telescope with gentle dragonfly and grassland motive.
Take the kids on an adventure and discover new places and things you can't see with your eyes.
Kaleidoscope for girls in pink.
Educational and fun toy promoting children's imagination.
A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs including a range of metal telescopes.
Kaleidoscope for boys in blue.
Educational and fun toy supporting children's imagination.
A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs including a range of metal telescopes.
Children's metal telescope with motive of elephant and other animals.
Take the kids to explore and discover new places and things you can't see with your eyes.
Kaleidoscope for children with sailor motif
Educational and fun toy to stimulate children's imagination
A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs, including a range of metal telescopes.
Kaleidoscope for children with giraffe motif.
Educational and fun toy promoting children's imagination.
A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs including a range of metal telescopes.
Metal Kaleidoscope with bunny motive.
Educational and fun toy supporting children's imagination.
A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs including a range of metal telescopes.
Metal Kaleidoscope in a fairy-tale motive of Little Red Riding Hood.
Educational and fun toy supporting children's imagination.
A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs including a range of metal telescopes.
Kaleidoscope for children with circus motif.
Educational and fun toy promoting children's imagination.
A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs including a range of metal telescopes.
Kaleidoscope for children with zebra motif.
Educational and fun toy promoting children's imagination.
A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs including a range of metal telescopes.
A set of paper puppets for playing shadow theatre.
The shadow theatre works on the principle of the characters making shadows against the light and by moving them the theatre can start.
A set of paper puppets for playing shadow theatre.
The shadow theatre works on the principle of the characters making shadows against the light and by moving them the theatre can start
Kaleidoscope for children with sporting animals motive.
Educational and fun toy promoting children's imagination.
A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs, including a range of metal telescopes.
A childhood toy of our grandfathers and grandmothers.
Spin the spinning top with the included string and watch the twinkling effect of the colourful design.
Kaleidoscope for children with the motif of life in the ocean.
Educational and fun toy promoting children's imagination.
A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs, including a range of metal telescopes.
A childhood toy of our grandfathers and grandmothers.
Spin the spinning top with the included string and watch the twinkling effect of the colourful design.
A pack of paper puppets for playing shadow theatre.
The shadow theatre works on the principle of the characters making shadows against the light and by moving them the theatre can start.
Kaleidoscope for children with the motif of animals having fun in the forest.
Educational and fun toy promoting children's imagination.
A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs, including a range of metal telescopes.
Kaleidoscope for children with the motif of a visit to the zoo.
Educational and fun toy promoting children's imagination.
A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs, including a range of metal telescopes.
Kaleidoscope for children with the motif of animals' life.
Educational and fun toy promoting children's imagination.
A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs, including a range of metal telescopes.
Kaleidoscope for children with the motif of pirate life.
Educational and fun toy promoting children's imagination.
A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs, including a range of metal telescopes.
Kaleidoscope for children with the motif of a princess and her garden.
Educational and fun toy promoting children's imagination.
A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs including a range of metal telescopes.
Popular children's toy promoting healthy movement of children.
Hurray out and jump!
Kaleidoscope for children with a sea dragon motive.
Educational and fun toy promoting children's imagination.
A wide range of different kaleidoscope designs including a range of metal telescopes.
A wooden toy of our grandfathers and grandmothers.
Grab it in your fingers, a moment of concentration, a flat surface, a little practice and you're done!
The spinning top spins.