Doporučený věk
Doporučený věk uvedený výrobcem
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rozdělení vhodnosti produktu dle pohlaví

Vzdělávací hry

Edukační hry pro děti jsou navrženy tak, aby zábavným způsobem podporovaly rozvoj dětí. Tyto hry pomáhají dětem získávat nové dovednosti, rozvíjet kreativitu, logické myšlení a kognitivní schopnosti. V naší nabídce naleznete široký výběr edukačních her například v oblasti matematiky, čtení, vědy či jazyků. Naše hry jsou určeny pro různé věkové skupiny, od předškolního věku až po školní děti. Jsou přizpůsobeny tak, aby byly pro děti vzrušující, zábavné a zároveň vzdělávací. Získejte pro své děti hry, které je nejen zabaví, ale také je naučí novým dovednostem a pomohou jim lépe porozumět světu.

Records found 18
Hádej, kdo jsi!
Hádej, kdo jsi!
Product code TS0004

Hádej, kdo jsi je zábavná společenská hra, která přináší hodiny smíchu a učení pro celou rodinu. 

Hráči si nasadí čelenku s kartou a snaží se uhodnout, jakou postavu představují. 

Hra obsahuje 60 karet s obrázky i názvy v angličtině, což pomáhá při zábavném učení slovíček.

Cognitive cards - basics of cognition 16 pcs
Cognitive cards - basics of cognition 16 pcs
Product code MD2042

Children's colourful learning cards suitable for teaching English.

Sixteen thematic cards aimed at the initial introduction to basic words. 

Herní sada Oblékání zvířátek
Herní sada Oblékání zvířátek
Product code MD2079

Hra pracující s barvami.

Děti plní úkoly tím, že do zvířátka zasunou karty s různými barvami.

Barvy jsou primární, tudíž děti musí přemýšlet a kombinovat barvy (modrá+žlutá=zelená).

Karty s úkoly jsou odstupňované podle věku dítěte. 

Hra obsahuje návod v česko-slovenském jazyce.

Cognitive cards - encyclopedia of life 16 pcs
Cognitive cards - encyclopedia of life 16 pcs
Product code MD2041

Children's colourful learning cards suitable for teaching English.

Sixteen thematic cards focusing on common activities. 

Learning scratch cards Numbers 26pcs
Learning scratch cards Numbers 26pcs
Product code MD1031

Children's educational cards for preschool and first grade children.

These cards focus on practicing writing numbers.

On the first page is the prescribed number along with the direction of the pencil stroke and a picture.

On the other side there are lines to practice the number. 

Magnetic board My body - 84 pieces
Magnetic board My body - 84 pieces
Product code CT7013

Educational magnetic board human body.

The child builds the skeletal or muscular system and organs according to the templates.

The magnets can be stacked according to the patterns or combined according to your own imagination.

Also suitable for primary school children when teaching biology.

The pictures contain descriptions in Czech and English.

Educational game Binding animals
Educational game Binding animals
Product code MD3021

A children's educational game that teaches children how to string in a fun way.

The game contains a total of 12 pieces, from which a total of 4 animals are assembled with the help of 4 cords.

The Shopper game
The Shopper game
Product code MD2167

Children's fun creative game.

The game teaches children to count and learn English words.

The package includes instructions in Czech/Slovak language.

Learning scratch cards Animals 26pcs
Learning scratch cards Animals 26pcs
Product code MD1033

Children's educational cards for preschool and first grade children.

These cards focus on practicing animals in English language.

On the first page there is a prescribed word and a picture.

On the other side there are lines to practice the word.

An excellent teaching tool when learning English.

Colourful block friends Conundrum
Colourful block friends Conundrum
Product code MD1082

Educational wooden assembling game for the development of fine motor skills and imagination.

If you are familiar with Tangram, Colorful cube friends is an extended, more complex version.

Learning scratch cards Alphabet 26pcs
Learning scratch cards Alphabet 26pcs
Product code MD1032

Children's educational cards for preschool and first grade children.

These cards focus on practicing writing the alphabet.

On the first page, the letter is prescribed along with the direction of the pencil stroke and a picture.

On the other side there are lines to practice the given letter. 

My clock board
My clock board
Product code MD2029

Wooden educational multifunctional board with clock.

The board is suitable for teaching time, seasons or weather.

There is also a year on the calendar that can be changed!

Educational game Tying animals and their professions
Educational game Tying animals and their professions
Product code MD3085

A children's educational game that teaches children how to thread in a fun way.

The game contains a total of 12 pieces, from which a total of 4 animals of different professions are assembled with the help of 4 cords.

Colorful Tangram Conundrum (version 2021)
Colorful Tangram Conundrum (version 2021)
Product code MD1035

Educational wooden assembling game/conundrum from ancient China.

Only seven pieces, many templates and possibilities how to handle them.

Great game when travelling, space-saving.

Magnetic table of duties
Magnetic table of duties
Product code MD2015

Magnetic duty board to show children what day of the month it is, whether it is Monday or weekend and when their birthday is.

The planning chart can also be used for rewards or to mark important events on the calendar. 

Magnetická tabule Čísla do sta
Magnetická tabule Čísla do sta
Product code MD2084

Matematika hrou.

Pomozte vašemu dítěti najít v matematice zábavu. 

Pomocí magnetických dílků a hracích karet naučíte děti nejen počítat do sta, ale i logicky přemýšlet.

Tower block - Japanese 3D game
Tower block - Japanese 3D game
Product code MD1232

Children's creative Japanese game.

The game contains a total of 11 coloured blocks from which a total of 74 tower variants can be built.

Magnetic game World map
Magnetic game World map
Product code MD1018

Children's educational and fun magnetic set.

Large format world map with architectural building and animal magnets.

Each continent has its own colour to make finding it easier.